April rain drops + good news

10:13 PM

Hello everyone!

It's been exactly one month since I last posted, pls don't thrown your laptops and phones at me although it might be great if I catch a few *wink* *wink*

Anyways GOOD NEWS EVERYONE (yes that was a futurama reference) I finally fixed my laptop with little money I collected from my older brother and aunts and it's finally good as new... well there's still some problems like the charger but who cares? I do

I wanted to try a thing cutiepiemarzia did which is monthly notes.
although I will change the name each month to suit it ;-)
it's when you plan things to do this month not your whole day but just new things you wanted to try or necessary ones that needs to be done like spring cleaning (which I never do)

So I thought hey! maybe I can do that too.
and WARNING I'm not stealing her idea I'm just experiencing.

  • Finish my everlasting story

So for this month April it's really rainy these days since it's the awkward time as I call it.
and what's good when it's cold ? curl up with a good book, what's even better? write your own book.
so I've decided to finish my story which I've procastinating to write since... well I don't remember.

  • Learn sign language

A story I've read about a barista who learned sign language just to serve a deaf old man made me go all emotional except for the tears and I've decided to learn sign language, maybe it'll be useful sometimes

  • Watch starwars

Okay starwars fans don't kill me but I've never EVER watched starwars, it's not that I think it's bad or something it's just that I am more of a wizard (raise your wands people!) but I promise to watch it, pinky promise. Wait for a post that says IT IS OFFICAL PEOPLE I LOVE STAR WARS

So that was all, if you have any ideas on what to do next month pwease tell me, I'm running low here.



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