- 6:47 PM
So today we're gonn talk about studying. I know I know it's boring and tiring but it's the only way to build a sucessful and make money (well not actually the only way) so I thought maybe I'll make some kind of a series especially for school 'cause my exams are coming and BLAH BLAH BLAHIs your desk not clean at all? is it messy? do you study in your bed? you probably answered by yes as I did so we're gonna create a perfect study spot with just 5 simple tips:
- Find a calm area with light access
- Make sure you have these
- put some music on (insturemental is better)
- put your phone on airplane mode
- don't forget to take breaks every 25 minutes
- 9:46 PM
Hey there!
my name's Dee well not really.My name's khadija and people call me Dee so you can call me that and I write this log "nerdenta" where I post random things most of them are beauty and fashion related but I'm not a beauty guru. I wanted as a first post to introduce you to my blog and who I am .Blog name: nerdenta
what does it mean : special name for nerdwhy I want to start a blog: I honestly have much free time so why not write instead of pointless browsing
writer's name: Dee
writer's age: 13
when do I post: I currently don't know when to post so expect a post at any time
why did I choose blogging and not youtube : well there are several reasons why one is because I like writing more than talking, and two most of girls go on youtube so I wanted to be different and go on blogger
why did I choose blogger and not tumblr: I know tumblr is famous and all that, but if you don't use tumble you wouldn't know that tumblr is a different place and they mostly post pictures/GIFs/fantarts so no blogging
Am I good at writing? : I don't know you tell me
my personality: I love making people smile and when they smile I automatically smile more.I sometimes get really mad but I forgive after 2min. I don't like when people don't tell me right away . And I'm sort of smart
facts about me: I'm popular at my school but still get bullied sometimes but I know how to deal with it. I'm a youtube fangirl and I'm every youtuber's trash and proud of it. I forget A LOT. I'm a very messy person.
favorite food: got to be pizza ( and chicken)
favorite color: baby pink and dark purple
favorite ice cream flavor: vanilla (I'm so lame)
favorite youtuber: PEWWWWDIIIPIIIIIIIE
hair color (meh ): dark brown with light brown highlights (all natural)
eye color: chocolate brown
my style: casual and comfy
what I like about this blog: it's name (I was surprised when it was available)
last word: I don't have a last word *gunshot*
- 3:25 PM